Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
A research project by Christine Umpfenbach
It was the most terrible terror attack in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. Only now, 40 years later, the stories of those affected are finally being placed at the center of attention. In “9/26”, the voices of the many victims relate stories of the attack on September 26, 1980. Christine Umpfenbach examines the way we deal with memory and the perception of reality. The project focuses primarily on the personal consequences of such attacks – and on how we as a society deal with the victims of right-wing violence.
Photo by Julian Baumann
Photo by Julian Baumann
Photo by Julian Baumann
Photo by Julian Baumann
Photo by Julian Baumann
„Erschütternd ist an diesem Abend nicht nur die Erinnerung der Zeitzeugen an den ummittelbaren Horror der Bombenexplosion selbst. Erschütternd und empörend ist auch, was in den Monaten, Jahren und Jahrzehnten danach geschah. Der Abend wirft die Frage auf, inwiefern Rechtsextremismus nur die Steigerungsform der bestehenden Verhältnisse ist. Langer, heftiger Beifall.”