Take part

Hello, dear young people, pupils, students, teachers, theatre activists of all ages! Here you can come into real contact with the theatre, have a direct line to our artists and full access to all the artistic means we use at MK. We offer guided tours, workshops, talks with artists and other meeting formats. This is where we continue our education together.

Take part
DIE BEHAUPTUNG - Writing workshop with the Munich Theater Copywriters' Network with Katrin Diehl and Rinus Silzle followed by a visit to the “Balau” production
Take part
Tue 25.2. 7 pm • Schauspielhaus
An insight into the rehearsal process
Take part
Sold out Details
possibly remaining tickets at the box office
Thu 27.2. 7:30 pm • Werkraum
By Paula Kläy • Introduction from 7 pm
UA Werkraum Take part Anschl. Nachtgespräch
Sold out Details
possibly remaining tickets at the box office
A participatory follow-up discussion with social work students
Take part
Fri 7.3. 3:30 pm • Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus
Take part
Sat 8.3. 11 am • Münchner Kammerspiele
Take part
Mon 10.3. 5 pm • Meeting point Steinfoyer in the Schauspielhaus
A guided tour of the theater with Adrian Bette, Technical Production Manager
Take part
Tue 11.3. 5 pm • Theaterlabor Fat Cat - Raum 2.151
First play, then watch theater
Take part
Free Details
Tue 18.3. 5 pm • Theaterlabor Fat Cat - Raum 2.151
Mephisto by Klaus Mann
Take part
Free Details
Fri 21.3. 7:30 pm • Werkraum
A search for clues between Athens and Munich
Final production
UA Werkraum Take part Junge Nacht: 2 Tickets for 10 € Otto Falckenberg School of Performing Arts
Fri 21.3. 7:30 pm • Werkraum
Werkraum Take part
Wed 26.3. 7:30 pm • Habibi Kiosk
Theater meets Film – A screening series in cooperation with students of the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF)
Habibi Kiosk Take part
Free Details
Wed 26.3. 7:30 pm • Probebühne 3
An insight into the rehearsals
Take part
Wed 14.5. • Werkraum
Theaterprojekt mit Münchner*innen
Premiere Take part
Show more dates 
to schedule

You just want to watch theater for now?

For those who just want to watch first, there is the Kammerschau, a guided tour through our theater, where we open all doors. At the Open Rehearsal you can experience how we make theater. And at the Junge Nacht (formerly Theaterdonnerstag für junges Publikum), there are two exclusive tickets for ten euros and, after the performance, a drink and conversation with the actors who were just on stage.


Next date 10.3.
Kammerschau #22
A guided tour of the theater with Adrian Bette, Technical Production...

Open rehearsal

A person in a dark winter coat looks into the camera through a large abstract paper mask.
Next date 25.2.
Open rehearsal: „Mephisto“
An insight into the rehearsal process
Two pink cases are standing next to each other in an underground parking garage. An orange instrument case is attached to the left one and a light pink one to the right.
Next date 26.3.
Open rehearsal: “Tristan (and Isolde)”
An insight into the rehearsals
Young Night
Fri 21.3. 7:30 pm • Werkraum
Werkraum Take part
Premiere 19.3. UA Otto Falckenberg School of Performing Arts Werkraum
Bavarokratie Βαυαροκρατία
“It is strange what a talent the German governments have for bringing the ridiculous into the most terrible stories.” Ludwig Börne • A...

You want to think, talk and participate?

MK: Campus is the place for everyone who wants to really get into a subject. For an entire weekend, you watch theater and position yourself in artistic workshops. The Kammer Club is staffed by the young outside eyes of the Münchner Kammerspiele: a group of young theater lovers who bring in themselves and their interests, show their position, are communicators in the city and occupy their own spaces in the theater.

Portrtai of the Münchner Netzwerk Theatertexter:innen.
Next date 21.2.
Schreibwerkstatt #2
mit dem Netzwerk Münchner Theatertexter*innen
DIE BEHAUPTUNG - Writing workshop with the Munich Theater...
Next date 7.3.
Campus #21 “Grüß Gott Frau Giehse”
Ein Workshopwochenende in Kooperation mit der Monacensia
Illustration of eight young, very diverse people sitting around a table.
Kammer Club
Verbündete der Kammerspiele zwischen 16 und 30 Jahren reden mit und...
A person in a dark winter coat looks into the camera through a large abstract paper mask.
Next date 26.3. Habibi Kiosk
Blickpunkte #4 „Mephisto“
Theater meets Film – A screening series in cooperation with students...

“Blickpunkte” creates space for dialog between theater and film. Discuss relevant topics together with students from the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) and the Kammerclub.

You want to make theater yourself?

At the Theaterwerkstatt, you can playfully engage with one of our productions for 2 hours every month. Afterwards, you will attend the performance of the play together with all workshop participants.

Next date 11.3.
Theaterwerkstatt „Mephisto“
First play, then watch theater

Open Stage at Werkraum

Do you want to share your art with the world and have already performed it on stage several times? Then the Open Stage Werk*raum format at the Münchner Kammerspiele is the perfect opportunity for you!
Come along and make the stage colorful, whether you like to make music, perform, act, dance, write or just like to listen. Bring your team or come alone.

Open Stage
The Kammer Club invites you

Currently in rehearsals

The MK:ollektiv is a laboratory for young artists. You write texts, act, make music, costumes or videos and you want to bring what is really important to you on stage in exchange with others? We give you the space, the stage and professional feedback. The annual vacation camp around easter is for everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the cosmos of theater for five days at a time. In theater workshops you will develop your own performance and present it to an audience.

We’ll see the results in spring/summer 2025!

Premiere 14.5.
Schnelles Geld
Theaterprojekt mit Münchner*innen
With Maren Solty, Elias Krischke and Martin Weigel
An astronaut in a silver spacesuit with an orange viewing window.
Premiere 26.6. UA
War Games
A project by SKART & Friends with children aged 12 to 14

A laboratory for young artists between 16 and 24 who develop their own artistic potential through artistic exchange with others.

Vacation Camp

Discover the latest vacation camps here!

You don't want to miss anything?

News, exclusive program information, behind the scenes and special offers for young audiences of the Münchner Kammerspiele directly to your e-mail inbox!

More theater for school

We create space for creative encounters between theater and school. We look for connections between the realities of our audience’s lives and the content of our productions.

We are open to all ideas that combine teaching and theater and are eager to develop individual collaborations with you teachers. Give us a call or write to us.

Next date 18.3.
Theaterkonferenz Romantheater
Mephisto by Klaus Mann

Our cultural partnerships with universities

LMU goes Kammerspiele

We have been LMU’s cultural partner since the 23/24 season! Discover our offers here.

In the 2024/25 season, we invite TUM students to exclusive theater evenings at the Schauspielhaus with an special supporting program.

Do we stay in touch?

Once a month, you will find theater tips for your seminars, workshops and more. The direct line for teachers and lecturers to the artistic education of the Münchner Kammerspiele!

Mitmachen Rewind

We're part of it!