Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
To mark the 50th anniversary of her death on March 3rd, we are putting together a program in honour of this exceptional actress.
To mark the 50th anniversary of her death on March 3rd, we are putting together a program in honour of this exceptional actress.
May we create tomorrow what we cannot imagine today! Theatre, performances, readings, concerts, music – and everything in-between.
Open Wednesday to Saturday.
May we create tomorrow what we cannot imagine today! Theatre, performances, readings, concerts, music – and everything in-between.
Open Wednesday to Saturday.
The Habibi kiosk. Everything that is culture flows in and out here. “Who or what is the city”? In the art kiosk we explore the question of how a community with active participation works. The Habibi Kiosk is a transparent window into the Kammerspiele. A space for many perspectives.
Open Tue - Fri 14:00 - 20:00 and during events.
The Habibi kiosk. Everything that is culture flows in and out here. “Who or what is the city”? In the art kiosk we explore the question of how a community with active participation works. The Habibi Kiosk is a transparent window into the Kammerspiele. A space for many perspectives.
Open Tue - Fri 14:00 - 20:00 and during events.
MK: Music combines subcultures with the possibilities of theater and forms a platform for Munich’s urban society: with international concerts and project developments.
MK: Music combines subcultures with the possibilities of theater and forms a platform for Munich’s urban society: with international concerts and project developments.
Get into the theater! We give you access to our artists and to all the artistic resources. With guided tours, workshops, talks with artists and other encounter formats.
Get into the theater! We give you access to our artists and to all the artistic resources. With guided tours, workshops, talks with artists and other encounter formats.
Let's preserve Munich's cultural diversity! The rich city of Munich has to save 243 million euros in the short term. We are all facing massive cuts in the areas of social welfare, education and culture. Culture is an essential component of our democratic civil society. For historical reasons alone, Munich has a very special responsibility to strengthen and protect it. Here in Munich, we live together in a diverse, modern urban society and need spaces for exchange and culture - especially in times of division and polarization. That is why we have founded the #MünchenistKultur alliance. Let's preserve Munich's cultural diversity together. Munich's diverse cultural offerings are based on the individual skills and high level of commitment of the specialized professionals in the various cultural sectors. The impending cuts threaten the already fragile structures of artists and institutions in all sectors, causing irreparable damage. As Munich's cultural scene, we stand together in solidarity. We will not allow ourselves to be driven into distribution battles.
Join us in appealing to Munich's city councillors to avert the planned cuts in the cultural sector. Let's work together with representatives from culture and politics to find long-term and sustainable solutions.
Become part of our alliance and sign our open letter HERE.