Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Concert for World Down Syndrome Day presented by the Munich Symphony Orchestra
What a way to round off World Downs Syndrome Day! Conducted by Joseph Bastian, the Munich Symphony Orchestra presents a literary concert with numerous members of the Münchner Kammerspiele ensemble. The ensemble has members with and without trisomy 21 - and they can also make music together. In any case, Luisa Wöllisch, Jelena Kuljić, Dennis Fell-Hernandez, Maren Solty, Fabian Moraw and Elias Krischke will be taking part.
They all want to sing along when pop and pop hits are translated for orchestra: Between Honegger and Helene (Fischer), between the Ice Queen and Rameau, today we make the world the way we all like it!
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Peter von Felbert
Joseph Bastian
Photo: Andrej Grilc
Luisa Wöllisch
Jelena Kuljić
Dennis Fell-Hernandez
Maren Solty
Photo: Sigrid Reinichs
Fabian Moraw
Elias Krischke