Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Narratives for our planet
Lukas Bärfuss meets Lea Bonasera
First the earth was a ball of fire, then it rained for forty thousand years before the atmosphere and life finally emerged – but what does the future of our planet look like? Lea Bonasera, co-founder of the “Last Generation”, will kick off our new series of talks. Discuss with Lukas Bärfuss and our guest!
The balance of the elements has been disturbed. Two hundred years of industrial influences have changed the earth’s ecosystems. Every day we lose life, habitats, opportunities for the future. How can we mourn our losses? How can we cope with the changes? And look to the future with confidence?
In 2024, the Münchner Kammerspiele will focus on the relationship between humans and nature. Following his curation of the FORUM literature festival in November 2023, author, playwright and Büchner Prize winner Lukas Bärfuss is now coming to Munich on a regular basis. His new series complements our three world premieres: “Land” by Christoph Frick & Lothar Kittstein, “Asche” by Elfriede Jelinek and “Die Verteidigung des Paradieses” based on the novel by Thomas Steinaecker.
Bärfuss appeals to our imagination and to the theater as a place of imagination. With a reading, a lecture and critical questions, “Erde, Feuer, Wasser, Luft” follows on from the event “Giftiges Erbe - Brauchen wir einen Kanon?” as part of the Literaturfest 2023. We don’t want to miss your great enthusiasm for discussion in the audience, your questions and your thoughts: Let’s create the narratives for the next ten thousand years together!
We are particularly pleased to announce our first guest: Lea Bonasera (*1997). She was a co-founder of the “Last Generation”, studied International Relations at Oxford and is writing her doctoral thesis on civil resistance in democracies. She is the author of the book “Die Zeit für Mut ist jetzt. Wie uns ziviler Widerstand durch die Krise führt“. In her lecture, she will talk about the history of protest culture in Germany. One of her examples is the anti-nuclear movement. How do we assess the protests in Gorleben and Wendland from today’s perspective? Is civil resistance a legitimate means of forcing political change?
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb
Photo: Gabriela Neeb