Summerbreak: Open again from 10.9.2024!
Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
An End-Times Fantasy Based on the Novel by Thomas von Steinaecker
Director: Gernot Grünewald
Enter our post-apocalyptic future!
Enter a multimedia theatrical obstacle course! Based on Thomas von Steinaecker’s science fiction novel, which was nominated for the German Book Prize, Gernot Grünewald develops an immersive spatial experience poised between drama, installation and video art in which the audience can freely move around.
After the end of the world, young Heinz is one of the last people still to be living on an alpine pasture in the region of Berchtesgadener. Ever since a major disaster, it is only possible to survive in a few areas of Germany which are covered by huge protective shields. Heinz is trying to collect as much of the lost culture as possible and write a kind of history of the last people. When one of the shields explodes, he and a small group of survivors suddenly become refugees. They embark on an apocalyptic road trip through a devastated Bavaria.
Gernot Grünewald’s work, which is poised between video and installation art, has an extraordinary visual power. In “The Defence of Paradise”, he allows us to experience a world after the catastrophe and, with his ensemble, creates a strikingly direct encounter between the audience and the actors.
The theater tour is divided into several stations. You can choose between four different starting times for each performance and will then be guided from station to station. Please arrive at the foyer of the Therese-Giehse-Halle at the time you have booked. The duration of the entire course is approx. 2 hours 15 minutes. The tour is wheelchair-accessible, but other paths are used and accompanied in places. Sensory information: Parts of the tour are located in narrow and dark rooms. Fog and rapid light changes are used. Various technical aids such as headphones and VR glasses are used. It is possible to stop or skip individual stations on the course at any time. Each station is supervised.
“Insgesamt erlebt man bei diesem theatralen Kreuzweg ein gut gebautes und auch technisch beeindruckendes Stück Untergangs-Kulinarik, quasi eine Wohlfühl-Katastrophe zum Mitfiebern.”
“Theater im klassischen Sinne darf man allerdings nicht erwarten, vielmehr ein multimediales Event, welches die Zuschauer immersiv teilhaben lässt an den Erlebnissen des kleinen Grüppchens und sie selbst zu Akteuren macht, die mitten drin im Geschehen sind.”