Zita Frohloff

Season 24/25
Off to Elsewhere!

Season 24/25 Off to Elsewhere!

Off to Elsewhere is the title for our 24/25 season. Together with the Munich-based organization for contemporary photography Der Greif, we launched a call for submissions with this title and received over 1,000 sensational images from 82 countries. With the help of curator Çağla Ilk, who curated the German pavilion at the Venice Biennale this year, these images have now become the basis of our visual worlds for the 24/25 season.

For us, “Off to Elsewhere” means taking delight in opening up new spaces and embracing the desire and artistic freedom to take a “different” perspective. It definitely does not mean that the Münchner Kammerspiele is escaping from the world or turning its back on reality – because we certainly have no intention of leaving reality behind in our 5th season as a team. On the contrary, “elsewhere” is the place for art – which is also your place, with you as the audience helping to shape it. It is a place where we can have a different conversation and not insist on fixed points of view. And that means a lot in times like these. In order to create fresh horizons and more togetherness, this season we are also opening the Werkraum as a new artistic meeting place with an attached bar on the steps called TAM TAM.

For us, “Off to elsewhere” also means that we are reaping the fruits of four years of artistic work and are now presenting the next level of our international collaborations, each with their own idiosyncratic style! The new season launches with Chilean director Marco Layera taking a critical and humorous look at regional pride with “Mia san Mia” (We Are Who We Are), his Bavarian “Space Odyssey”. At the same time, Ukrainian director Stas Zhyrkov is presenting the harrowing story of Natascha Wodin, a woman who was born in Germany as the child of Ukrainian forced labourers and who traverses an entire violent century in search of her lost mother. The unfamiliar viewpoint of the lost who refuse to give up on their future runs as a common thread through the season. It is present in Kafka’s novel “Amerika”, an adaptation of which young director Charlotte Sprenger is producing as her Munich debut at the Schauspielhaus. In another debut, following his acclaimed guest performance “C la vie”, choreographer Serge Aimé Coulibaly is developing “Balau”, his first dance piece for a German public theatre, together with the Kammerspiele ensemble and guests. In addition, we have works by Henrik Ibsen, Klaus Mann and William Shakespeare in the hands of female directors and, of course, we are also looking to find our artistic “somewhere different” in our Munich home. With “Sauhund” by Lion Christ, we are casting our eyes back to the dazzling 1980s in the city. And in our vampire comedy “Oh Schreck!”, we are resurrecting the Kammerspiele star Max Schreck, who shone in his most famous role in the horror classic “Nosferatu” in 1922.

Enjoy and find lots to stimulate you in our new programme!

Barbara Mundel & Team

Plays 24/25
Mia san Mia

A Bavarian Space Odyssey by Marco Layera and Martín Valdés-Stauber | World Premiere

Director: Marco Layera

Opening night: 19.9.2024, Schauspielhaus

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Sie kam aus Mariupol

Based on the novel by Natascha Wodin in an adaptation by Pablo Arie | World Premiere

Director: Stas Zhyrkov

Opening night: 20.9.2024, Schauspielhaus

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Nach dem Roman von Michel Friedman
Monolog mit Katharina Bach

Premiere: 3.10.2024, Schauspielhaus

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Amerika / Der Verschollene

Based on the unfinished novel by Franz Kafka in an adaptation by Charlotte Sprenger and Olivia Ebert

Director: Charlotte Sprenger

Opening night: 11.10.2024, Schauspielhaus

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Dance theatre by Serge Aimé Coulibaly with a long-form poem by Fiston Mwanza Mujila | World Premiere

Director & choreographer: Serge Aimé Coulibaly

Opening night: 12.10.2024, Therese-Giehse-Halle

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Baumeister Solness

By Henrik Ibsen, adapted and with additional texts by Gerhild Steinbuch

Director: Felicitas Brucker

Opening night: 22.11.2024, Schauspielhaus

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proteus 2481

A Satyr Play by Aeschylus | World Premiere

Director: Thomas Köck

Opening night: 13.12.2024, Therese-Giehse-Halle

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Oh Schreck!

A Vampire Comedy by Jan-Christoph Gockel, inspired by F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” and the life of Max Schreck | World Premiere

Director: Jan-Christoph Gockel

Opening night: 24.1.2025, Schauspielhaus

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Based on the novel of a career by Klaus Mann

Director: Jette Steckel

Opening night: 28.2.2025, Schauspielhaus

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RCE – #RemoteCodeExecution

By Sibylle Berg in an adaptation by Dennis Duszczak and Hannah Saar
Year group production by the Otto Falckenberg School

Director: Dennis Duszczak

Opening night: 7.3.2025, Therese-Giehse-Halle

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By Rainer Werner Fassbinder with an epilogue by Emre Akal

Director: Emre Akal

Opening night: 10.4.2025, Schauspielhaus

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Tristan (und Isolde)

Musical Theatre in the many languages of love by Nele Jahnke

Director: Nele Jahnke

Opening night: 26.4.2025, Therese-Giehse-Halle

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Was Ihr wollt

Comedy by William Shakespeare

Director: Lies Pauwels

Opening night: 7.5.2025, Schauspielhaus

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Based on the novel by Lion Christ in an adaptation by Florian Fischer and Tobias Schuster | World Premiere

Director: Florian Fischer

Opening night: 5.6.2025, Schauspielhaus

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War Games

A project by SKART & Friends with children aged 12 to 14 | World Premiere

Opening night: 26.6.2025, Therese-Giehse-Halle

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Further on in the schedule
MK: Specials
Series of Talks with Michel Friedman

In his new series of talks, Michel Friedman welcomes important contemporary political personalities such as Igor Levit and Jan-Philipp Reemtsma to discuss our polarised times.

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Erde, Feuer, Wasser, Luft

Tales for our planet
Lukas Bärfuss in conversation with guests

The series of talks with Lukas Bärfuss continues: together with his guests, he appeals to the power of our imagination and to the theatre as its home. With a reading, a lecture and critical questions in each event in the series, stories are created to endure for the next ten thousand years!

From September, with guests including marine biologist Antje Boetius and philosopher Kohei Saito.

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Schreiben über die Situation

In this collaboration with the Berlin Institut für Neue Soziale Plastik (Institute for New Social Sculpture), Israeli and diasporic playwrights and writers continually create new literary texts about the post-October 7th world shaped by uncertainty and pain. A reading from the texts with ensemble members takes place approximately every two months. So far, writers have included Lena Gorelik, Avishai Milstein, Roy Chen and Maya Arad Yasur.

Festival „Neue Zeit, neue Dramatik“

In July 2025, together with the Drei Masken Verlag publishing house and the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, the Münchner Kammerspiele will once again be presenting an international young generation of playwrights. Four writers and collectives are invited to participate in a residency that culminates in the Long Night of New Drama. With readings and performances, as well as the award ceremony for the “Munich New Playwriting Award”, a full weekend is dedicated to contemporary playwriting and its publication.

May we create tomorrow what we cannot imagine today! Theatre, performances, readings, concerts, music – and everything in-between.


The Werkraum is appearing in a new guise from the 24/25 season.

The Werkraum: … gives artists from different disciplines space to express themselves … blurs boundaries and dares to experiment … finds new idiosyncratic artistic styles and perspectives … is home to the ensemble’s personal projects … creates brief encounters and long-term connections … is a place for togetherness, self-determination and participation.


Artistic direction: Hannah Saar Co-curators: Julia Lena Maier & Elke Bauer (MK: Mitmachen), Sebastian Reier & Daniela Schroll (MK: Musik), Dîlan Z. Çapan & Gina Penzkofer (Habibi Kiosk), Malte Jelden (OFS) Scenic artists: Julia Bahn, Katharina Quandt, Yue Ying

The Habibi Kiosk is a window into the Kammerspiele. A space for different perspectives, for creative exchange and the realization of shared ideas. Open to linger during the day and for programs in the evening.

MK Projects

We open the doors of the Münchner Kammerspiele to you and invite you to make theater yourself: For a look behind the scenes, discussions with artists and your own ideas.

Program Take part
MK: Take part
All Abled Arts

Our Inclusion Initiatives Continue – in New and Old Ways

All Abled Arts asserts one wish: art by and for people of all abilities as a matter of course. The term “abled” flags the ableism that exists in all areas of society, i.e. discrimination against people because of their impairments, including assessing them against certain abilities and normative expectations.

MK Projects
All Abled Arts
Guest Performances & Collaborations
Dance Festival

Alle 2 Jahre findet in München ein großes Tanz-Festival statt.

Im Jahr 2025 ist es wieder so weit!

Die Münchner Kammerspiele und das DANCE Festival arbeiten wieder zusammen.

Der neue künstlerische Leiter ist Tobias Staab.

Freuen Sie sich auf Tanz-Gast-Spiele aus der ganzen Welt!

Im Februar 2025 wird das Programm veröffentlicht.

Tanz-Festival: 22. Mai bis 1. Juni 2025

19th Bavarian Youth Theatre Club Meeting

The annual meeting of the Bavarian youth theatre clubs
24-27 July 2025

Now taking place for the third time in Munich! From 24-27 July 2025, young up-and-coming artists from all over Bavaria will meet on the stages of the Schauburg and the Münchner Kammerspiele to present their theatre work. Ten clubs are invited. The main focus of the festival is on their productions which are as diverse and different as the towns and theatres in which they were created. In addition to artistic exchanges in the workshops and discussion events, the meeting is also about celebrating together! Four days to meet the theatre makers of tomorrow.

With the kind support of the Bavarian branch of the German Theatre and Orchestra Association.

Artists’ Partnerships with Togo and Burkina Faso

Since the beginning of Barbara Mundel’s directorship in 20/21, the Münchner Kammerspiele has been conducting an artistic exchange with writers, actors and choreographers from Togo and Burkina Faso. In collaboration with the dramaturge Olivia Ebert, this has resulted in two transnational productions and a close partnership with one of West Africa’s most high-profile choreographers, Serge Aimé Coulibaly, as well as the performance piece “Confessions” and the youth project “Young Confessions”.

In 2022, this joint initiative led to the creation of the live-streaming play “Les statues rêvent aussi. Vision of a Return”, co-directed by Serge Aimé Coulibaly and Jan-Christoph Gockel. In May 2023, the play’s tour, which always connected one theatre in Togo or Burkina Faso with the Münchner Kammerspiele, took it to the city of Bobo Dioulasso and ANKATA, Coulibaly’s choreography centre. Embedded in the neighbourhood, ANKATA is home to a fantastic open-air theatre, offers training for aspiring dancers and choreographers, and hosts “Africa Simply the Best”, a biennial continent-wide competition for solo dance pieces. In spring 2025, the Münchner Kammerspiele will be presenting the three winning solos from this competition.

MK: Music

Music never happens in a vacuum. Music is always connected to its time and unites people directly. Because music lets people tell their own stories. And when people come together to listen to each other, there is always a way out in sight.


In the 24/25 season, the artists of the Balkanet group are working on a musical story. Before the collapse of Yugoslavia, the non-aligned, multi-ethnic state’s society was full of subversive ideas: punk rock and avant-garde were not just on the fringes but part of the mainstream. How could a society permeated by subversion, palpable change and utopian ideas descend into bloody war and genocide? YUdéjàVU is drawing closer to the answers – and leads us through the endlessly fascinating history of the Yugoslavian pop and rock scene. Utopia, modernism, punk, subversion – and then war. A musical tale by the Balkanet group examines the Yugoslav past to help us deal with the present.

Bonnie ‚Prince‘ Billy

His songs are about love and horror and many other things. His concerts are legendary. After a hiatus of ten years, Will Oldham is once again touring Germany.

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Sharper Than A Needle

This international textile machinery convention converts the stage into an open workshop where the sewing machine is both a work tool and a musical instrument. The result is queer-feminist textile activism and music that is made visible. By and with SEWICIDE and (many) others.

The Beautiful Formula Collective – Steve Coleman – Alina Sokulska

Live painting – music – dance performance. Spontaneous compositions with complex rhythmical motifs. Renowned saxophonist Steve Coleman performs with The Beautiful Formula Collective and Alina Sokulska.

Hello, subscription!

With a subscription you can experience the entire range of the Münchner Kammerspiele program. All subscription series include six performances in the Schauspielhaus with seat reservation. For the first time, all subscription dates for the coming season are already fixed.

All subscription series include six performances at the Schauspielhaus with seat reservation. With a subscription you give us confidence and planning security for artistic projects.

Service Say hi to our subscriptions!

Find all the dates for the subscriptions 24/25 here.

Press conference from Thu 13.6.