
Dance film, 舞蹈影像
Digital Bridge

 Stream
 30 minutes
 Admission free
 Stream
 30 minutes
 Admission free

End of 2020, the trial of a matricide hit national sensation in China. The perpetrator is a student of an elite university. What propelled a promising member of the middle class to such atrocity? It perplexes and haunts many. A tragedy for the family, a trauma for the society.

This project departs from the aftershock of such ethical-emotional blast and dives into the social fabrics of everyday life, an immediacy that is shared by the protagonists of the criminal case as well as everyone else in the society.

Why dance? How can one dance the turmoil in the collective subconscious of a hyper fast transforming society? The dancing ones pull the fibre of tragedy in zeitgeist, stored in their ghosts, on the site of everyday experience where the speed of hope and desire tears apart the flesh of symbiotic relationship. The artistically formed bodies return to where its functionality is not ascribed, and under the gaze of camera, invite to reverse the game of artistic spectacle production and rehearse a forensic mourning, where silence resonates and violence normalises to invisibility. Do we need to mourn? Do we need to consume? Where consumption has replaced repentance and confession, we dance, dance and dance.

Produced by OCAT Shenzhen
Supported by Babana Theatre, GGDC Dance Company
Special thanks to Paper Tiger Theater Studio, Huang, Hao, Tingzi, Yang, Chongzi, Biaoge, Biaomei

In the frame of a “digital bridge” Kammerspiele is hosting and featuring “Pyroclastic” a dance film created by GONG Zhonghui and HE Huan.




在“数字桥”框架内,慕尼黑室内剧院特邀巩中辉和何欢的舞蹈电影 《高热》进行线上放映。 11月20日(星期六)慕尼黑当地时间下午1点,舞蹈电影的在线点映和深圳OCAT现场的舞蹈剧场版《高热凝视》首演同步进行。

  • Concept/performance GONG Zhonghui, HE Huan
  • Director of photography SUN Tao, DENG Rui
  • Camera/Editing SUN Tao
  • Music DENG Rui
  • Dramaturgical support Chao Liu