Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
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An epic female author thriller by Caroline Kapp and Manon Haase.
Director: Caroline Kapp
In “Broken Brecht,” “the women” wonder how it could possibly be that the statue of the famous poet Bert or Bertolt or Berthold … BRECHT could be overthrown? What is clear: It is now broken. „The event has taken place, this is the replay“. The “Die Straßenszene” (The Street Scene) text, in which Bertolt Brecht explores his idea of epic theatre and which revolutionised theatre after its publication in 1938, still serves as a model today. Even if Brecht was primarily concerned with an aesthetic reconstruction of the theatre, “Die Straßenszene” also represents a social and political tool for dissecting events.
“The women” make use of this model. They try to remember and come up against a myriad of questions as they investigate: Who arranged for the statue to be built? Who ultimately built it? Who inaugurated it? And why isn’t it standing now? More protagonists than first thought seem to be involved in the construction of the iconic statue. Their investigative work leads to the deconstruction of memory and historiography. “The women” end up alienated themselves in Brechtian style and set up a new monument.
A co-production of the Brecht Festival Augsburg with the Otto Falckenberg School Munich
Performance rights: Ruth Berlau/Hoffmann