Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
moderated by Tuncay Acar
To mark the International Weeks against Racism, Tuncay Acar will talk to journalist and author Annette Ramelsberger about the important educational work she has been doing for years in the area of right-wing extremist networks. The focus will be on her particular achievements in connection with the NSU protocols. Annette Ramelsberger will also read from her book “Der NSU-Prozess. The Protocol” (Kunstmann-Verlag, 2018).
Annette Ramelsberger, court reporter for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, attended the German School of Journalism and studied law, politics and journalism. She was an editor at the news magazine Spiegel and the Berliner Zeitung in Munich and Berlin as well as a GDR correspondent for the AP news agency at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since 1997, she has worked for the Süddeutsche Zeitung as head of department, political reporter and expert on political extremism. She was awarded the Nannen Prize for her texts on the NSU trial and was twice Journalist of the Year. In 1999, she received the Theodor Wolff Prize of the German daily newspapers.
Tuncay Acar is a musician, DJ, blogger and cultural activist from Munich. He dedicates the discussion series “Dies Das” to people and topics that usually take place on the fringes of public perception. “Dies Das” sends out impulses and creates awareness for the real diversity that exists beyond any “dominant culture”. The talk includes additional formats such as radio, lectures, performances, readings, concerts, exhibitions, screenings, etc.
The link to Tuncay Acar’s blog:
Annette Ramelsberger
Photo: Florian Peljak
Tuncay Acar