Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
A Black Community Event for us by us + allies.
Organized by The Sisterhood Munich, an initiative for and by Black women.
As part of a community event with the motto “Blackspiration - Finding Joy in Community”, The Sisterhood Munich is celebrating Black History Month this evening at Habibi Kiosk: As the title suggests, this evening is not only about historical and important Black personalities, but we are also looking at what and who inspires us in the present:
It is important to us to provide a platform for local Black-owned organizations and businesses, which is why we are starting the evening with a panel featuring: Kwame Boampong Community Manager for ADAN (Afro-German Academic Network) in Munich, Sophia O’David, Co-Founder of FÉPAR (Brand) and Joyce Osagie CEO of @SimplyAfro (family-owned Afro products company). The program then continues with live performances by Black female artists, including the talented singer and actress Gladys Mwachiti. There will also be some rap, performed by Mary Jane, an artist with distinctive verses and great stage presence.
So, if you’re looking for a Black community event to celebrate Black Joy, get to know your community or be an ally, our event is a great opportunity.
An event organized by The Sisterhood Munich, an initiative for and by Black women.
The Sisterhood Munich
Photo: Malic Settuba
Gladys Mwachiti
Kwame Boampong
Mary Jane
Sophia O´David and Priscillia Grubo