Summerbreak: Open again from 10.9.2024!
Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Book presentation and discussion with Michel Friedman and Burak Yılmaz in cooperation with the Süddeutsche Zeitung
Moderation: Marlene Knobloch (SZ)
Arson attacks on synagogues. Agitation in schools. A mob that denies Israel’s right to exist: hatred of Jews in Germany. 80 years after the Holocaust, anti-Semitism has become socially acceptable from various sides. In his latest book “Judenhass”, published by Berlin Verlag, the renowned journalist Michel Friedman writes about the failure of politics and the ignorance of our society. How can we prevent violence against Jews from spreading? Because everything is at stake: the future of us all, freedom and democracy.
In this interview, Friedman meets Burak Yılmaz, who has published his book “Ehrensache. Kämpfen gegen Judenhass” published by Suhrkamp. He was awarded the German Federal Cross of Merit in 2018. Yılmaz grew up in Duisburg Marxloh and has been designing educational concepts in the context of racism and anti-Semitism for 15 years. He works in places where there is little sign of democracy.