Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
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Conversation with Laura Elisa Sanchez Camacho, Jay Miniano and Stella Deborah Traub moderated by Julia Bomsdorf
Queer:raum is a collective of over 30 creatives and artists from the LGBTQIA+ community in Munich who have been working together since summer 2022. The artists have set themselves the goal of drawing attention to queer issues, ensuring greater visibility for the queer community and bringing them to the center of society with the help of interdisciplinary actions. Diversity and democratic values are to be promoted and queer living spaces created in Munich with a variety of events and happenings, including collective exhibitions, performances, readings and concerts.
Together with three creatives from the collective, we would like to talk about art and culture as instruments of queer visibility, why the artists decided to join forces as a collective and about the challenges and successes as queer cultural workers in Munich. A projection will show impressions of this year’s exhibitions and events.
Guests from queer:raum are Laura Elisa Sanchez Camacho, Jay Miniano and Stella Deborah Traub. The evening will be moderated by Julia Bomsdorf, Public Relations LesCommunity e.V.
Laura Elisa Sanchez Camacho is a fashion designer from Basel. In her studio in Munich, she designs, produces and sells her own designs, mainly genderless fashion. She lives and works in Munich.
Jay Miniano is a makeup artist, drag performer, enjoys giving workshops in these areas and likes to get involved in queer political issues. He was born in the Philippines, but has lived in Germany since the age of 5 and in Munich since 2016, where he discovered his love and passion for the creative arts.
Stella Deborah Traub makes films and photos and makes mistakes. But Stella notices the latter especially with the former, because Stella is currently studying that too and if you know a lot about something, you also know that you could certainly have done it better (but not necessarily how you could have done it better). Fortunately, Stella doesn’t know quite as much about photos. That’s why Stella sometimes prefers to take photos, because the mistakes aren’t so noticeable, but the joy is often much more noticeable.
Photo: Privat
Photo: Privat
Photo: Stephan Schaar