Three people are dancing. The person on the left is wearing a dress with a long, yellow skirt and has her arms outstretched sweepingly to her sides. The other two people are holding each other arm in arm. They are wearing white robes and wreaths. They are swinging their legs.

Photo: Andi Weiland Photo:


LÄUFT! (Running!)

Guest performance by RambaZamba Theatre Berlin
Directed by Leander Haußmann

 Schauspielhaus
 11.1.2024
 2 hours
 Schauspielhaus
 11.1.2024
 2 hours

Following his production of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, Leander Haußmann is now working with the RambaZamba Theater for a second time. The director is renowned for his work on films including Sonnenallee and Herr Lehmann as well as for productions at major theatres. In “LÄUFT!”, he and his actors explore the possibilities and limits of theatre. How does art relate to reality? Who can and wants to play whom? How do we bear insecurities and transform them into on-stage magic? The evening ranges between light-footed metatheatre, comedy, fragility and anarchy, taking an ironic look at the aspiration, significance and types of artists which theatre has produced and continues to produce.

The guest performance LÄUFT! is funded as part of the "pik - Program for Inclusive Art Practice" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
  • With Karla Sengteller, Samuel Koch, Robin Krakowski, Christian Behrendt, Lioba Breitsprecher, Heiko Fechner, Franziska Kleinert, Dirk Nadler, Jonas Sippel, Sebastian Urbanski, Nele Winkler
  • Conductor Leander Haußmann
MK Projects
All Abled Arts
All Abled Arts
Festival opening
With Barbara Mundel and Natalie Dedreux • With interpretation into German sign language