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„Stories bring us together, untold stories keep us apart”
Für Goethe-Institut/ Performing Architecture öffnet der Habibi Kiosk der Münchner Kammerspiele in Venedig. Ist er dann noch ein Kiosk, oder schon eine soziale Skulptur zur Architektur-Biennale? Über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus und wieder zurück möchte der Habibi Kiosk Orte und Regionen erkunden. Er forscht dort, wo Grenzen ineinanderfließen und Lebensgeschichten zusammentreffen. Wer oder was ist die Stadt, fragt der Kiosk in München. Und selbiges geschieht in Venedig: Wessen Geschichten werden nicht oder zu wenig erzählt – wessen Perspektiven fehlen in der Erzählung der Stadt? Ein Raum für Begegnungen entsteht. Neben der Verhandlung von Gegenwärtigem, ist der Kiosk ein Ort der Spekulation. Wie sieht es aus, das Zusammenleben und Miteinander der Zukunft? Jetzt, wo wir uns schon kennengelernt haben. Wie drücken sich künstlerische Stimmen andernorts aus, welche Themen verbinden uns und auf welche Weise werden sie sichtbar? Wie bilden wir neue Allianzen abseits dessen, was die Gesellschaft für uns vorzusehen scheint? Und welche Widerstände müssen sie aushalten – innen wie außen? Im Habibi Kiosk wird die Frage des Zugangs verhandelt – wer hat den Schlüssel zur Stadt?
Der Habibi Kiosk ist eine Kooperation der Münchner Kammerspiele mit dem Goethe-Institut e.V. Für Venedig kooperiert der Habibi Kiosk mit Goethe-Institut/ Performing Architecture.
Mon, 1. Nov, 6 pm - 8 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Opening Performing Architecture 2021 and Habibi Kiosk Venice
with Anna Clara Basilicò, Extragarbo, Rania Mleihi, Gina Penzkofer, Sebastian Reier, Petra Roggel & Susanne Traub
Exhibition Opening Through a Window* by Sulafa Hijazi
Opening session
with DJ Rano & DJ Booty
Tue, 2. Nov, 3 pm - 7 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
What is the City? A research about the city and the people of Venice*
with Andrea Vagnoni & Gina Penzkofer
Habibi Keks - a live Radioshow*
with Rania Mleihi & Sebastian Reier
Tue, 2. Nov, 7 pm - 11 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Wash your Art. Wash your City. A performative walking tour*
with Theresa Schlichtherle, Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, Est Coulon, Cosimo Ferrigolo, Edoardo Lazzari, Leonardo Schifino & Giusy Guadagno
Wed, 3. Nov, 2 pm - 6 pm, Laboratorio Occupato Morion
Laboratory - right-wing spaces. The transnational dimensions of right-wing extremism*
Moderation by Eleonora Sodini with Robert Andreasch, Anna Clara Basilicò, Maddalena Gretel Cammeli, Marialuisa Capurso, Radio Papesse, Paola Pisciottano, Pier Paolo Spinazzé aka CIBO & Julian Volz
Wed, 3. Nov, 3 pm - 6 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
What is the City? A research about the city and the people of Venice*
with Andrea Vagnoni & Gina Penzkofer
Habibi Keks - a live Radioshow
with Rania Mleihi & Sebastian Reier
Wed, 3. Nov, 7 pm - 8:30 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Habibi Goethe: The transnational dimensions of right-wing extremism*
Moderation by Nabila Abdel Aziz with Havin al Sindy & more
Wed, 3. Nov, 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Talk, Habibi meets Morion
with Habibi Team & Morion Team
Thu, 4. Nov, 2 pm - 4 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
What is the City? A research about the city and the people of Venice
with Andrea Vagnoni & Gina Penzkofer
Habibi Keks - a live Radioshow
with Rania Mleihi & Sebastian Reier
Thu, 4. Nov, 5 pm - 6:30 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Talk about the City
with Anna Clara Basilicò & Guests
Thu, 4. Nov, 8 pm - 9:30 pm, Laboratorio Occupato Morion
with JISR
Thu, 4. Nov, 10 pm - midnight, Laboratorio Occupato Morion
Habibi Party
with DJ Booty
Fri, 5. Nov, 2 pm - 5 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
What is the City? A research about the city and the people of Venice
with Andrea Vagnoni & Gina Penzkofer
Habibi Keks - a live Radioshow
with Rania Mleihi & Sebastian Reier
Sat, 6. Nov, 10 am - 12 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Artists & City Brunch
with everybody
Sat, 6. Nov, 12 pm - 1 pm, Comitato No Grandi Navi
Closing performance What is the City?
Rania Mleihi, Sebastian Reier & Gina Penzkofer
*For descriptions of the individual formats please visit the websites of the Münchner Kammerspiele or Goethe-Institut / Performing Architecture and download the detailed PDF program provides on these pages.
Wash your Art. Wash your City. A performative walk through the city by EXTRAGARBO
Wash your Art. Wash your City. é la prima apertura del work-in-progress di una mostra itinerante di arte urbana a Venezia. I visitatori potranno camminare con una guida di Extragarbo all’interno del Sestiere di Castello trasformato in un grande cantiere di idee e creatività. Il progetto curatoriale – che inaugurerà nel prossimo futuro – raccoglie i contributi di alcuni dei più importanti artisti internazionali del momento, invitati a riflettere su particolari edifici, monumenti o elementi urbani effimeri per costruire nuovi mondi complessi in cui anche il più semplice dei veneziani possa rispecchiarsi e cambiare il proprio punto di vista sulla città.
Dalle 19 dalle 22, ogni 20 minuti. Habibi Kiosk Venezia, Castello 5847.
Wash your Art. Wash your City. is the first step in work-in-progress of the walking exhibition of urban art with the same title in Venice. Visitors will walk with one guide of Extragarbo through the district of Castello, transformed into a large construction site of ideas and creativity. The curatorial project - which will inaugurate in the near future - gathers the contributions of some of the most important international artists of the present day. They were invited to reflect on particular buildings, monuments and ephemeral urban elements in order to build new complex worlds in which also the common Venetians can find themselves in and change their point of view on their city.
From 7pm till 10pm, every 20 minutes. Habibi Kiosk Venice, Castello 5847.
Instagram: @extragarbo
Through a Window: Exhibition by Visual Artist Sulafa Hijazi
A collection of digital artworks of Berlin-based Syrian artist Sulafa Hijazi. Initially its opening fell on the same day as the opening of the original Habibi Kiosk in Munich in December 2020.The artworks explore the different ways in which we interact with the constant and repeated flow of violent digital images and contents.
Instagram: @sulafa_hijazi
Habibi Keks – a Live-Radioshow
Habibi Keks is a multiple-hour marathon community radio program, recorded live in public at the Habibi Kiosk – hitting the airwaves this time around from Venice. It is hosted by Rano and Booty who present music, community issues and global alliances. Every minute of each show is based on the culture of memory and the beauty of sharing on the task of stealing one’s time for good
Instagram: @ranomel, @bootycarrell
What is the City? A research about the city and the people of Venice
What is the city of Venice like? Who owns the city? Who are its people: 60.000 Venetians vs. 13 billion Tourists a year? What moves the people living in a place like no other?
With photographer Andrea Vagnoni we’ll dive into the vibe of the city trying to extract a perspective.
In the heart of Sestiere Castello, where the Kiosk is temporarily located, people are being photographed and interviewed. The result is visual archive built up during the week. It consists of questions leading to answers and answers leading to more questions.
Instagram: #whatisthecity, @muenchnerkammerspiele
Habibi Goethe: The transnational dimension of right-wing extremism
A performative-international discussion series by and with the Goethe-Institute. This year’s Architecture Biennale and the Performing Architecture program series of the Goethe-Institut in Venice provide an opportunity to explore an architectural and socially critical theme. Between Venice and Munich, a conversation is emerging that is dedicated to transnational right-wing spaces and networks. Between the two cities, a space for encounters is to be created in which one not only positions oneself critically vis-à-vis right-wing extremism and right-wing terror, but also illuminates the mechanisms and modes of action and reflects on possible implications and dangers.
More information here: /de/programm/6337-habibi-goethe
JISR // Brücke
JISR means bridge in Arabic. Rooted in several musical genres, this unconventionally orchestrated musical project builds bridges between Arabian, African Gnawa, Jazz, Rock and classical music and takes the path of maximum musical variation and improvisation. The outcome is a homogeneous mix of cultures for sensitive ears.
Their current album TOO FAR AWAY, JISR // BRÜCKE is an ethnographic snapshot of the multicultural music scene, which breaks the boundaries between different musical genres and fills the maximum of musical imagination, unconventionally instrumented and with a great longing for strange sound worlds. JISR // BRÜCKE are hailing from Munich, Germany. In support of the show Habibi Kiosk’s own DJ Booty Carrell will present vinyl records for those disenfranchised by nightlife.
Mohcine Ramdan: Percussion, Gembri, Vocals
Roman Bunka: Oud, Guitar
Vlad Cojocaru: Accordion
Gergely Lukacs: Trumpet
Matthias Gmelin: Drums
YouTube: JISR // Brücke