Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Here you will find contact persons from dramaturgy, art and technology.
Moritz Ostruschnjak was born in Marburg and lives and works as a freelance choreographer in Munich.
In his works Moritz Ostruschnjak dwells upon the transformations in physical and social experiences in times of digitization and virtualization. His pieces are spaces made up of hyperlinks which utilize the media-machinery of the 21st century as a motif as well as an archive, thus mirroring and reflecting social processes. Following the principle of pick & mix and cut & paste, highly heterogeneous elements and connections form the narrative of our reality.
As an active member of the graffiti sprayer scene, Moritz Ostruschnjak developed his interest in contemporary dance through breakdancing. He studied at Iwanson International in Munich and completed his training with Maurice Béjart in Lausanne. This was followed by engagements as a dancer with the Tanztheater Nürnberg, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Introdans (Netherlands) and the Göteborgs Operan Danskompani in Sweden. He has worked with Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus, Sasha Waltz, Frank Chartier (Peeping Tom), Tilmann O’Donnell, Rui Horta, Roberto Zappalà, Mats Ek, Stijn Celis, Michael Keegan-Dolan, Gunilla Heilborn, and many others.
He has been working as a freelance choreographer in Munich since 2013 and created the solo “Island of Only Oneland” and the ensemble pieces “Text Neck”, “BOIDS”, “UNSTERN” and “AUTOPLAY”. His production “YESTER:NOW” (2021) premiered at Munich’s largest concert, the Philharmonic hall of the Gasteig and in 2022 he realized “TERMINAL BEACH” in collaboration with the Theater Freiburg.
In 2023, his creation “Rabbit Hole” opened the international festival DANCE in Munich.
His works have been performed at many European festivals, the production “UNSTERN” was
selected for the TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND 2020, his solo TANZANWEISUNGEN for TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND 2022 and the production TERMINAL BEACH for TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND 2024. He is one of the Aerowaves Twenty21 Artists with also TANZANWEISUNGEN and was 2020 awarded with the Promotion Award Dance of the City of Munich for his artistic work.
In addition to his own productions, he has choreographed for municipal and state theatres. In November 2023, “TRAILER PARK”, a work for the ensemble of tanzmainz will celebrate its premiere at the Staatstheater Mainz. Moritz Ostruschnjak is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and Tanztendenz München e.V.
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