Musia Mwankumi

Musia Mwankumi (°1999 - she/her, they/their) is part of the four-headed Magdalena Collective with whom she created her graduation project DO YOU LOVE HER? (2023), working both as a performer and a scenographer. While still in drama school, Musia performed in The Shell Trial (2020) by Rebekka De Wit and Anouk Nuyens, The Waves (2022) by Khadija El Kharraz Alami and The Ends (2022) by Zephyr Brüggen. For their performance in The Shell Trial, Musia was nominated for a Columbina - an Dutch award for the most impressive female supporting actress of the season. In the Summer of 2022, Musia participated in the ‘International Exchange Program’, a pilot for an exchange programme for theatre makers attending theatre festivals. In this edition, six makers from the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium came together for 10 days of experiential, output-free conversations about the performing arts field. In each work Musia makes, she tries to incorporate her desire to broaden the perspective, hers as well as that of the audience. Besides their work as a theatre maker and performer, Musia is also active as a model and is working to develop their drawing practice.