
“There are no rules for living together, no predetermined answers.”

Therese’s family were against it, they said she wasn’t at all “beautiful”, but she stubbornly and proudly went her own way, became an actor and defended her artistic and personal autonomy. From her surname “Gift”, her sister invented the stage name “die Giehse”. From 1926 onwards, Therese spent decades closely associated with the Münchner Kammerspiele, including playing in the ensemble. After fleeing the Nazis and spending years in exile, she sought out contact with a very young generation of artists and demonstrated against the Vietnam War and German rearmament. This “volcano with sensitivity” lived and worked until the end as a vigilant contemporary in Munich where a stage at the Kammerspiele now bears her name.

#questionsinsteadofanswers #nothardworkjustinterest #stubbornandproud
Folgen wir den Zukünftigen
Die Zukünftigen