Unter dem Milchwald

A play for voices by Dylan Thomas
Live radio play with 2nd, 3rd and 4th year drama students

 Werkraum
 12.4.2024
 Werkraum
 12.4.2024

It tells the story of a single spring day in the life of the people in the fictional fishing village of Llareggub.
The story begins on a moonless night and features the entire population of the village.
We listen to the conversations, dreams and longings of the inhabitants.
We hear whispers of love, quarrels and longing pining.
Accompany a letter carrier who first reads the mail himself before delivering it. Listen to a husband planning a murder by poison. Meet an old captain who is visited daily by his deceased crew. And there is the landlady who refuses to take in guests because they might make her house dirty.
Animals, boats and a sailor’s tavern speak and dream.

The master of words Dylan Thomas has created almost 70 roles and voices for one of the most famous radio plays in radio history.
Onomatopoeia, wordplay and countless sound effects are waiting to be brought to life with voices.