Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
A playful examination of "Doping" followed by a visit to the performance
This meeting is about the current MK: production “Doping”. We will look through text material, explore the thematic focus and the aesthetic features. And then we will play, rehearse, experiment and present. We then attend the performance together.
About the production “Doping”:
A person has made a career for themselves. He believes in the rules of the free market. In a performance-oriented society, he has become a top performer. And he likes to work to ensure and increase his well-being. Sometimes he forgets that he even has a body. Then he gets sick. What happens to this supporter of a slimmed-down welfare state when he himself becomes dependent on support? Is it all about getting healthy again as quickly as possible? Or is being and remaining sick the only escape from a sick system?
At the point where, in reality, the fun would end, things are only just getting started for the acerbic writer and director Nora Abdel-Maksoud. After “Jeeps”, her successful high-speed comedy about the redistribution of wealth, the Munich native has written and is directing a piece rich in new plot twists and punchlines about the contradictions of our lives under neoliberalism.
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