Purim Ball X House of Diaspora

Ballhouse Culture meets Purimsphil

 Werkraum
 23.3.2024
 Werkraum
 23.3.2024

The fact that marginalized groups organize themselves in family networks is not an invention of the 19th century. Jews have been creating places of cohesion since their exodus from slavery in Egypt and their life in the diaspora. Not least to ensure their survival, which was repeatedly on the brink of annihilation. This was also the case in 245 AD, when Queen Esther and her comrade-in-arms Vashti saved the Persian diaspora from extinction and became the first feminist role models in Jewish history.
Today, in the Jewish year 5784, we celebrate the story of Esther and Purim (the lot) that was cast and saved the Jewish diaspora. During this holiday, the Megillat Esther (Book of Esther) is read and in some synagogues the story is enacted on stage as a dramatic Purimsphil. But it is not only on stage that people dress up, the guests also come in costume on Purim and become part of the story during the evening.
In reference to the Ballhouse Culture, in which progressive Jews also found refuge, the Institute for New Social Sculpture, in cooperation with the Münchner Kammerspiele, is presenting a contemporary Purimsphil, in which diasporic utopian parallel worlds and alliances take center stage. In a ballroom performance, Jewish and non-Jewish dancers and ensemble members of the Münchner Kammerspiele engage in a battle. At the same time, the Megillah Esther will be read and everyone will become members of the House of Diaspora to celebrate into the night afterwards.

Everyone is welcome. Regardless of religion and gender. Costumes welcome! Due to the increased security measures at the event, there may be longer waiting times at the entrance. Coats, jackets and large bags must be left at the checkroom. Admission only with valid photo ID. The performance starts at 20:00, followed by the party from approx. 21:00.

An event organized by the Institute for New Social Sculpture and the Münchner Kammerspiele. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program Demokratie leben! Co-funded by the State of Brandenburg, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy and the Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Affairs. Supported by the Association of Jewish Students Bavaria. In cooperation with Keshet Germany.
  • Concept & Artistic Production Mia Aviva Alvizuri Sommerfeld
  • Movement Director Cordelia Levana Lange
  • Performer Nitsan Margaliot, Cordelia Levana Lange, Ensemble
  • Sound Design Ruben Felberbaum
  • DJ Ligal Tamir
  • Pop Up Bar Keshet Germany