Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
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Reading, live rap and conversation with Andrej Murašov aka Partizan
Host des Abends: Sebastian Reier
The novel Alles Gold by Andrej Murašov tells the story of five young underdogs from Bielefeld. They are on the sidelines, between cultures and yet fully immersed in life, which tastes bitter and is full of temptations at the same time. Artur and Kazim dream of a career as rap stars, Nejla still dreams of the horrors of the Bosnian war some nights, Dilek of freedom and Bobby’s life is just so crazy that he sometimes wonders if maybe it’s all just a dream.
The novel is about friendship, love, being lost and the hope of happiness, even when things are anything but brilliant at the moment.
On this evening, Andrej Murašov will read excerpts from his novel and perform songs by the fictional band AK602 from the accompanying soundtrack. Sebastian Reier will host the evening.
About the author
Andrej Murašov, born in 1983, grew up in Bielefeld with a Slovenian-Russian and German family background. He studied general literature, English and Slavic studies. In addition to his work as a freelance writer, doctoral hip hop scholar and lecturer, he has been active for years as a rapper and beat producer under the name “Partizan”. After stays abroad in Ljubljana, Sarajevo and Budapest, he now lives in Munich.
Photo: Sebastian Lentner