Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Talk and Performance moderated by Tuncay Acar
Tuncay Acar will talk with activist, DJ and music producer Theresa Bittermann aka “BiMän” about her approach to music and current projects. In addition to the documentary about the feminist festival day she initiated in Bogota/Colombia, where she researched and lived for 3 months earlier this year, her latest music videos will be shown. As a culinary highlight there will be “Aguardiente” - a typical Colombian liquor.
Behind the name BiMän is not only a queer live act and DJ from Munich, who is currently making a name for herself beyond the borders of Germany with her impulsive performances in clubs and at festivals, but also a sociologist who uses music as a tool to bring a feminist practice into society and to ensure equality in the music business. In her music videos, BiMän casts a critical feminist perspective on social discussion topics, such as currently marriage.
Read more on BiMän’s website:
Tuncay Acar is a musician, DJ, blogger and cultural activist from Munich. He dedicates the discussion series “Dies Das” to people and topics that mostly take place on the fringes of public perception. “Dies Das” sends impulses and creates awareness for the real existing diversity apart from any “Leitkultur”. The talk includes additional formats such as radio, lectures, performances, readings, concerts, exhibitions, screenings, etc.
Click here to visit Tuncay Acar’s blog: