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The mobile bicycle cinema Ciné Vélo Cité is located in front of the Lenbachhaus. A movie is projected onto a screen. Several people lie on beanbags in front of it.

Photo: Gabriela Neeb


Ciné Velo Cité

An uncomplicated improvised open-air cinema and film lab

 City
 June + July 2023 & June 2024
 Free of charge
 City
 June + July 2023 & June 2024
 Free of charge

An uncomplicated improvised open-air cinema and film lab for Neuperlach, a mobile social place in the urban space, planned and built by architecture students from Munich University of Applied Sciences together with young people from the Wilhelm-Röntgen-Realschule under the guidance of filmmaker Patrik Thomas. The young people’s visions of the future of “Neuperlach 2030” will be shown.

Ein Projekt vom MK: Theaterlabor Neuperlach in Kooperation mit Creating NEBourhoods Together, einem von der Europäischen Union geförderten Projekt.