A group of elderly people walk along a white tunnel. On the wall, two younger women write in black paint: "Place: Paris. Name: Anne. Date: 26.7.23"

Photo: Matthias Horn


Liebe (Amour)

A Play Adapted from the Film by Michael Haneke

 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Opening night: 23.10.2023
 2 hours 20 minutes (with intermission after 1:15)
 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Opening night: 23.10.2023
 2 hours 20 minutes (with intermission after 1:15)

Experience the last year in the life of a loving couple — This play is about one of the great controversies of our time: euthanasia. Karin Henkel finds new images for a deeply moving subject.

Michael Haneke, one of Europe’s most important auteur filmmakers, depicts the final year in the life of an old married couple in a deeply moving way and circles round one of the great ethical controversies of our time: euthanasia. In his film, he asks how we can cope with the suffering of a loved one.

Anne and Georges, a couple in their eighties, enjoy a fulfilling retirement in a spacious flat in an old building. Their everyday life is punctuated by concert-going and meeting friends — until Anne suffers a stroke. At first, Georges selflessly cares for her as they both try to come to terms with the new situation. But the couple becomes more and more isolated and, when Anne’s condition starts to rapidly deteriorate, she asks her husband for help. What should Georges do? What would you do?

Karin Henkel and her ensemble based around André Jung, who – after “Effingers” – is returning to the Münchner Kammerspiele for this project, find completely new and idiosyncratic images for this unsettling material about a dignified end to life.

Shortlisted for the German Theatre Prize DER FAUST in the category directing of a play. More info HERE.

A coproduction with the Salzburger Festspiele.
  • With André Jung, Katharina Bach, Christian Löber, Joyce Sanhá, Joel Small
  • Live music & composition Paul Pötsch
  • Live Music & composition Alex Röser Vatiché
  • Choir Klaus-Dieter Pfeffer, Birgit Conrad, Gerhart Groß, Gisela Ilk, Karin Krell, Peter Kuttner, Nine Manthei, Josefine Mastroberardino, Heinz Ott, Gisela Pichler, Irmgard Pohl, Eleonore von Maresch, Kurt Reinstein, Adelheid Schuster-Böckler, Ute Vermehr, Barbara Osterwald, Lisa Wanninger †
  • Directed by Karin Henkel
  • Stage Design Muriel Gerstner
  • Costumes Teresa Vergho
  • Dramaturge Tobias Schuster
  • Choir Direction Alexander Weise
  • Lighting Design Stephan Mariani
  • Assitance Director Hannah Waldow
  • Assistant director Max Pross
  • Dramatic assistant Tassilo Pyko
  • Assistant stage manager Ying Yue
  • Costume assistance Heloà Pizzi Mauro, Sophia Esterer
  • Support Statistry Niklas Zabler
  • Supervision of children's statistics Paula Kraus
  • Stage design internship  Jule Kortus, Lena Matterne
  • Soufflage Jutta Masurath
  • Inspection Barbara Stettner
  • Stage management supertitles Raman Khalaf
  • Translation supertitles Anna Galt
  • Production management technology Carolin Husemann, Constantin Weidenbach
  • Production management art Constantin Weidenbach, Zora Luhnau
  • Stage Manager Josef Hofmann
  • Stage machinery Michael Preußer, Stephan Preußer
  • Lighting William Grüger, Tankred Friedrich, Sebastien Lachenmaier, John-Philipp Schoch
  • Sound Viola Drewanz, Thomas Schlienger
  • Video Dirk Windloff
  • Makeup Sofie Reindl-Grüger, Sylvia Janka, Alyssia Achille
  • Costume Iroha Kaneshiro, Jessica Watermann, Fabiola Maria Schiavulli, Arite Pissang
  • Props Dagmar Nachtmann, Heidemarie Sänger, Stefan Leeb, Daniel Bittner
  • Joinery Michael Buhl, Sebastian Nebe, Wolfgang Mechmann, Clemens Künneth
  • Locksmith Friedrich Würzhuber, Jürgen Goudenhooft
  • Wallpapering Tobias Herzog, Maria Hörger, Anja Gebauer, Lisann Öttl
  • Painting hall Evi Eschenbach, Jeanette Raue
  • Salzburger Festspiele Technical Director Andreas Zechner
  • Salzburger Festspiele Technical production management Michael Pesendorfer
  • Salzburger Festspiele Technical planing Johann Bugnar, Michael Pesendorfer
  • Salzburger Festspiele Stage technology Robert Schmidjell, Paul Kiaba
  • Salzburger Festspiele Lighting Michael Timmerer-Maier, Stephanie Erb
  • Salzburg Festival Acoustics Kostas Pilos
  • Salzburger Festival Videotechnology Julian Besch
  • Salzburger Festspiele Props Markus Schober, Dagmar Bald, Anita Aichinger
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MK: Backstage

Digitale Einführung
Digitale Einführung
Katharina Bach wears light-colored tights, gloves and a light-colored short dress and a gray wig. Her face is covered with old makeup. Next to her is a child in a green bathrobe.

Find background information and bonus material about our production “Liebe (Amour)”.

Text and audio contain descriptions on the subject of suicide.

Press reviews

ARD • 14.8.23
FAZ • 1.8.23
Deutschlandfunk • 31.7.23

„(…) beeindruckend und berührend, ohne je kitschig zu sein.“

BR • 31.7.23
Münchner Merkur • 31.7.23

„…is as affectingly tender as her earlier Salzburg outing was grimly savage.“

New York Times • 2.8.23
Tiroler Tageszeitung • 1.8.23
Tagesspiegel • 31.7.23
news.at • 31.7.23