Photo: Zimmerschied Photo:


Sigi Zimmerschied – Dopplerleben

A counterfeiter saga

 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 7.10.2023
 20-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€
 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 7.10.2023
 20-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€

Hans Doppler is the last scion of a dynasty of forgers whose roots go back to the eighteenth century. In 1733, Giovanni Doppio, a Venetian barber, forged Christ’s shroud with the help of a customer who had died in a shaving accident, a sheet and a damp cellar, which became a world-famous relic as the Shroud of Turin.

Hans Doppler, however, is in a crisis. While his grandfather contributed to the greatness of the Federal Republic with forged denazification papers and his father cleaned up the CVs of Bavarian politicians, he now only sells forged vaccination cards and positive social prognoses for serial offenders. But the sting goes even deeper. Hans Doppler has fatally fallen in love with a highly moral and irony-free climate activist. And just as serial killers like to donate to animal welfare, the devil sometimes thinks wistfully of his time as an archangel, and every dictator stuffs his favorite mare, the perma-liar has recently been assailed more and more frequently by an occupationally damaging longing for truthfulness. And isn’t it time to think about retirement, give up his freelance status and put his skills at the disposal of public institutions? Should he accept the offer of the Federal Press Office?! WSB A16. Reality clerk in the higher service.

His tip to feign a gas emergency in order to double prices and levy a surcharge was well received by politicians and industry. Will Hans Doppler succumb to the truth, will his scruples unseel him, or will he regain the courage to live and continue to enrich the world with deliciously war-mongering lies, light-footed panic-inducing fake news, stylishly hip Instagram goofs and stylishly suicide-inducing horror scenarios? Or does it possibly not exist at all?

Doppler Life.

Possibly a cabaret, probably by Sigi Zimmerschied.

  • With Sigi Zimmerschied