Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00 Uhr
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
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Mit Radha D‘Souza & Sibylle Peters, moderiert von Florian Malzacher
Discussions about representation in assemblies, democracies and legal cases are usually reserved to human beings. But recent discourses around the Anthropocene have made clear that this limitation is fiercely challenged. How can non-humans, more-than-humans, other-than-humans enter the “parliament of things” as philosopher Bruno Latour phrased it? Performance maker and theorist Sibylle Peters deals in her practice as theorist and theatre maker since many years with concepts of assembling – recently often including co-species in order to create a zone of companionship in which humans and other animals can be together without food chains or zoo cages getting in-between. And professor for Law Radha D’Souza argues that the concept of rights is a fundamentally flawed concept both for humans and non-humans as it is always associated with private property, contracts, and contractual social relations. So we need to move on to a mindset based on relationships – whether with nature or with people.
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