Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Here you will find contact persons from dramaturgy, art and technology.
Born in Damascus, Syria 1977, Sulafa Hijazi is a Berlin-based director and interdisciplinary multimedia artist. With a background in theater, animation, conceptual art, and films, she has created a diverse range of work that intersects various media, including multimedia installations, augmented reality, digital illustrations, lenticular prints, animated films, and edutainment projects.
The revolution and war in Syria, as well as Hijazi’s experience of exile, had a profound impact on her work. Her art reflects the emotional and psychological aspects of these experiences and questions their connection with concepts such as collective and individual identity, the influence of political events and conflicts on identity formation, and the connection to place, heritage, history, and religion. Additionally, her interest in digital technologies and their impact on individuals and society informs her approach to these themes in her art.
Hijazi’s art practice intersects with edutainment projects for children. She believes that working on creative projects for and with children and young adults is an important approach that forms part of the art-making process, with the aim of critiquing, challenging, and moving beyond traditional education models.Her edutainment and animation projects have been featured in national and international festivals, receiving several awards, including the Golden/best animation award in Hollywood, Russia, India, Cairo, and Iran for her feature animation film “The Jasmine Birds” (2009).
Her artworks have been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums, featured in online platforms, newspapers, and books, and are part of acclaimed art collections such as the British Museum in London, Barjeel Art Foundation in Sharjah, and International Media Support (IMS) in Copenhagen.
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