Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
by Sivan Ben Yishai
“Love. An Argumentative Exercise” is a radical self-examination in which the most intimate issues are explored in public, because social power structures are inscribed in the stories of our bodies. The narrator is Olive Oyl, girlfriend of that splendid male specimen, the comic-book hero Popeye. After initially being convinced she’s on the right path to the life of a successful modern woman, she flies into a mythical rage. Sivan Ben Yishai speaks in a revealing, grotesquely comic way about everywoman and everyman, about chauvinistic patterns, and blind spots in how we love.
Headerphoto: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss
Photo: Judith Buss