Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
In 3 acts
By Nora Abdel-Maksoud
Is inheritance fair? — A fast-paced comedy about the two extremes of the social distribution debate: unemployment benefit and wealth tax.
Does it help during a life crisis to sit in your SUV and ponder the real estate holdings and bank accounts of your parents and grandparents? In her new work, “Jeeps,” writer and director Nora Abdel-Maksoud explores a deep social need for security. Her work examines the structural conditions of a society where class differences are simultaneously consolidated and denied. With great precision, and building to a satirical climax, Abdel-Maksoud dissects our thoughts and actions on the basis of account balances, will readings, and perceived threats.
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Poto: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Photo: Leonard Rössert
Introduction from 7:30 pm
Introduction from 7:30 pm