Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
By Thomas Köck
Director: Jan-Christoph Gockel
A journey through greed
A nameless self is roaming the ruins of a lost civilisation. It always stood close to the powerful, was listened to, but never made decisions itself. Ghosts of the past appear in the deserted palaces: sailing under the flag of the church, European conquistadors and their predatory search for Eldorado drive the European exploitation of the planet. Others, drugged by opiates, stagger between collapse and explosion. Time periods increasingly overlap until something new emerges from the rubble. As always in his works, Thomas Köck searches history for the roots of the aberrations in our present. With this production by Jan-Christoph Gockel, the Kammerspiele is embarking on a long-term collaboration with the dramatist who was the first playwright to win the Mülheim Dramatists’ Award twice in a row.
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic
Foto: Armin Smailovic