Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Theater meets Film – A screening series in cooperation with students of the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF)
New films from HFF Munich — ‘How strong evil is!’ thought the actor Höfgen, shuddering in awe. ‘The things it can get away with and take out with impunity! – The world really is like the films and plays of which I have so often been the hero.’ – from the novel “Mephisto” by Klaus Mann, 1936
Blickpunkte #4 “Mephisto” presents – based on the production “Mephisto” – new films by HFF students that deal with the moral conflict and powerlessness of people. Characters who move between adaptation and resistance, personal advantage and social responsibility, between being friends and enemies. Stories that show how people struggle with contradictory values, feelings and decisions without providing simple answers, and that reveal the complexity of our world and times.
When selecting the films, the Blickpunkte team Marvin Krause, Gretel Ribka and Daya Sieber – similar to Jette Steckel, the director of the production “Mephisto” – asked themselves questions such as: What role do we cultural professionals play in times of increasing shift to the right? Are we prepared to tear down the boundaries of our convictions for our own benefit? When does a person, and especially an artist, become an opportunist?