Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
#4: Power, abuse and courage
Guest: Lena Marbacher, among others.
The new talk show by podcaster and author Burak Yılmaz is entering its fourth round. Together with author and journalist Lena Marbacher, the focus in March will be on power, abuse and courage. How is power currently exercised in economic and political contexts? Why is there a system of abuse of power and how can we defend ourselves against it?
Lena Marbacher is a freelance journalist, author and entrepreneur. Her book “ARBEIT MACHT MISSBRAUCH” was published by S. Fischer in October 2024. Before that, she co-authored the Spiegel bestseller “Unlearn Patriarchy” with an article about work. Lena is now a retired co-founder of the business magazine “Neue Narrative” and its publishing house. Before that, she was a partner in a self-organized management consultancy. She speaks as an expert on the future of work to representatives of politics and business and at conferences. She completed her doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
Burak Yılmaz is an author and podcaster. He grew up in Duisburg, post-migrant. His educational path - elite Catholic grammar school, Koran school, university - crosses milieus. In response to anti-Semitism in his youth center, he organizes trips to Auschwitz with Muslim teenagers. He wrote about his experiences in his book “Ehrensache. Fighting against Jew-hatred”.
Burak and Lena’s talk will be complemented by a musical act (tba).