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Sat, 8.11.
8 pm
Sat, 8.11.
All & TicketsDates

Photo: Anne Backhaus


EROBIQUE: Simply The Best

Chairs out of the theater - the living disco ball is coming to town!

 Schauspielhaus
 8.& 9.11.2025
 44€
 Schauspielhaus
 8.& 9.11.2025
 44€

Carsten ‘Erobique’ Meyer is his own genre. After every bus carrying the latest disco revival has driven past him and back again over the past 25 years, there’s no other way to put it. When it’s “Erobique is in town” in the big cities, many dance-loving people between 18 and 80 look forward to sweaty, almost sacred hours full of improvised disco licks and hair-raising vocal interludes. As Germany’s self-proclaimed last disco punk for the time being, the “living disco ball” (FAZ) enjoys breaking up the monotony of beat-mixed laptop DJ culture and thrilling his fans with sweat-inducing dance marathons with spontaneous ballad interludes and wildly quoted wedding oldies. Releases are rare (Asexy, Acid Jazz and others), his hits (‘Urlaub in Italien’, ‘Easy Mobeasy’, ‘Überdosis Freude’…) want to be enjoyed live and in color.

Don’t miss out on being there when Erobique cuts the finest disco diamonds from the fossils of dance music from the last 50 years before your very eyes, in line with the motto ‘Grace Under Pressure’. Have fun dancing!

Before that, DJ support Booty Carrell alias Sebastian Reier warms up the stage, dancefloor and hearts. Erobique’s companion from Hamburg’s Golden Pudel Club now takes care of the music at the Münchner Kammerspiele. Worldly music sounds from fossilized sound carriers.

In cooperation with Asexy Records and CLUBZWEI
Dates & Tickets
Sat 8.11. 8 pm
Sun 9.11. 8 pm
EROBIQUE: Simply The Best
  • Schauspielhaus
  • 8.& 9.11.2025
  • 44€