Dates & Tickets 

Photo: Gabriela Neeb


Theaterwerkstatt „Very Rich Angels“

First play theater, then watch it

 Therese-Giehse-Halle Foyer
 27.1.2025
 2 hours
 14-99 years
 free of charge
 Therese-Giehse-Halle Foyer
 27.1.2025
 2 hours
 14-99 years
 free of charge

Everyone is allowed to play theater

We get to know each other. We warm up. We improvise and experiment. We take text excerpts, characters and forms from “Very Rich Angels” and turn them into our own theater. At the end, we present what we have created to each other. For everyone who wants to know whether the world can be saved in a nightclub. Please come in comfortable clothes. Registration in advance is required:
Afterwards we will attend the performance “Very Rich Angels” together. Tickets U30 are available at 10 euros, for all others who have taken part in the workshop at 12 euros, reservations only at:

A retro diner setting. In the forefront Christian Löber as Bill Gates. In the background the band.
Next date 8.12. UA English Surtitles
Very Rich Angels
A hit parade to Mars. • An Intergalactic Musical by Madame Nielsen & Christian Lollike
Dates & Tickets
Mon 27.1.25 5 – 7 pm
Theaterwerkstatt „Very Rich Angels“
  • Therese-Giehse-Halle Foyer
  • 27.1.2025
  • 2 hours
  • 14-99 years
  • free of charge