Thu, 23.1.
8 pm
Thu, 23.1.
All & TicketsDates

Photo: Alvise Predieri


Konuk/zu Gast: befristet/für immer

Documentary theater by Tanju Girişken

 Werkraum
 22. & 23.1.2025
 approx. 1 hour 10 minutes
 10€, reduced 5€
 Werkraum
 22. & 23.1.2025
 approx. 1 hour 10 minutes
 10€, reduced 5€

An extraordinary guest performance about belonging - only twice in the Werk*raum!

In “befristet/für immer”, two biographies merge into a story that is representative of countless people - an emigration from their home country. How has migration influenced our own perception, childhood or youth? Where do we feel we belong, when do we feel out of place? What memories have remained? A play about language, home and ongoing competitions.
During the rehearsal process, the ensemble embarked on a search among potted plants, picture albums and moving boxes. The guiding question was: Which points, which stages in my biography are exemplary for others? What characterizes and connects my life, my experiences and those of many other people? How often do I define myself through my language? How often am I defined? And what does that mean for me?
“befristet/für immer” was created as part of Tanju Girişken’s directing studies at the Theaterakademie August Everding and won the audience award at the Körber Studio Junge Regie in Hamburg.

Dates & Tickets
Wed 22.1. 8 pm
Thu 23.1. 8 pm
Konuk/zu Gast: befristet/für immer
  • Werkraum
  • 22. & 23.1.2025
  • approx. 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 10€, reduced 5€