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About trust
In his series of talks in May, the author, philosopher and lawyer Michel Friedman and Alena Buyx will address the question of who or what we can still trust today.
Alena Buyx is Professor of Ethics in Medicine and Health Technologies and Director of the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the Technical University of Munich. Professor Buyx holds a doctorate in medicine and degrees in philosophy and sociology. Her research covers the entire field of biomedical and public health ethics and issues of solidarity and justice. In addition to her research and teaching, Professor Buyx is involved in the political and legal aspects of biomedical ethics and is a member of several high-level national and international ethics committees dealing with the topic and its political implementation. She was appointed to the German Ethics Council in 2016 and was its chair from 2020 to 2024. Since April 2024, she has been a member of the German Federal Government’s Expert Council on Health and Resilience.
Michel Friedman