Photo: Kenshu Shintsubo


Erde, Feuer, Wasser, Luft #8

Narratives for our planet
Lukas Bärfuss in conversation with Kohei Saito

 Schauspielhaus
 19.12.2024
 Mosty in English with some German
 15 €, for TUM-Students 5 €
 Schauspielhaus
 19.12.2024
 Mosty in English with some German
 15 €, for TUM-Students 5 €

Saito’s Marxist critique of capitalism in the climate crisis has struck a nerve. In his bestseller “Systemsturz” (2023), he shows that Marx already foresaw how nature would put an end to productive power – and that post-growth need not be a problem at all. In an exchange with Lukas Bärfuss, the philosopher talks about his theories and – as always with “Earth, Fire, Water, Air” – about the stories we can seek and find in science and literature.