Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
An interactive playground
A palace for the people of Prague is transformed
into a place of being, observing, listening and metamorphosis.
into a palace for joy, sadness and the obscure.
into a place where hiding behind a mask can help you to show yourself.
into a party where even Kafka could feel happy. Or (in)fitting. Or both.
We celebrate the beauty of transformation and the strangeness that comes with it. While nails are being painted, a grandmother talks about her dreams. What she wanted to be and who she is. A painter transforms the baroque salon into a hologram of our contradictory times. Kafka’s drawings are engraved under the skin as tattoos. And what is the beetle actually doing with the bag of potato chips?
We create space to talk and dine together and design a place for many perspectives, exchanges and encounters: a landscape of multiple presences, permeated by Kafkaesque moments.
Prague’s city center is increasingly being taken over by tourists and investors. We want to counteract the displacement of residents and artistic debates to the outskirts of the city. At least for a brief moment.
Based on Kafka’s recurring motif of metamorphosis, this temporary occupation of a palace will provide a space for artists and other residents of Prague to transform the Kafkaesque in everyday life into a celebration of metamorphosis; from personal and physical transformation to the transformation of community.
For the Prague edition, the Habibi Kiosk will move to the Kaiserštejn Palace in the heart of Prague for one evening and create a temporary open space. An artistic intervention dedicated to the process of transformation.
The palace will be transformed into a place for artists and residents of the city. Together with the people who shape this city. In search of something we want to change. What happens when we meet people who are not normally accessible to us? What do we need to change and what change do we need to resist?