A collage of different album covers.

Photo: Omid Jamdar


Afghan Music Kiosk – Hidden Gems from TV & Cassette Studios

A rare glimpse into a vanished pop culture

 Habibi Kiosk
 25.10.2024
 3 hours
 English
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 25.10.2024
 3 hours
 English
 Free of charge

No pop culture in the world is as lost as Afghan culture. Since the Russian invasion in 1979, Afghan society has never come to rest. The surviving witnesses, producers and consumers are spread all over the planet in a widespread diaspora. A few musicians have maintained their careers by performing worldwide in the same diaspora. Archives of music cassettes and vinyl records, posters, magazines and video tapes disappeared into basements, were left behind or destroyed. It is incredibly difficult to find traces of this seemingly extinct culture. Until Omid Jamdar and Taīz Nawab get together: Both are the founders of Anaristan Saaz, a record label and project dedicated to celebrating the rich musical heritage of Afghanistan and its diaspora. Their aim is to reconnect the Afghan diaspora with its roots through music. And they are doing so with great success! At tonight’s living room evening in the Habibi Kiosk, they will be giving an insight into their archive of videos, pictures, memories, sound recordings and music cassettes, which has grown considerably. For the first time in the still young history of Anaristan Saaz, we are turning this into a comprehensive but relaxed, entertaining but long three-hour evening between music talk, video jam and listening session. Please come and go as you please. But who wants to miss even a minute of it?

  • With Omid Jamdar (omjvinyls), Taīz Nawab (DJ TAīīZ)
  • Moderation Sebastian Reier

فرید صمیم - عروسی آهنگ میکس || Farid Samim- Wedding Song Mix (Eletronic Pop Afghanistan 1990s)