Portrait of Daniel Grossmann at the Schauspielhaus of the Münchner Kammerspiele

Daniel Grossmann • Photo: Robert Brembeck


Richard Wagner – Eine Provokation

Jewish Chamber Orchestra Munich

 Schauspielhaus
 3.12.2024
 Schauspielhaus
 3.12.2024

RICHARD WAGNER (1813-1883)
Siegfried Idyll
Wesendonk songs
Version for soprano and chamber ensemble by Andreas N. Tarkmann

Songs without words
Version for chamber orchestra by Josef Piras

Goldberg Variations BWV 988 (excerpts)
Arrangement for chamber orchestra by Józef Koffler


Why does a Jewish orchestra play Wagner? Daniel Grossmann answers the question quite clearly: “It’s simply great music!” Is that the provocation? Perhaps.

In addition to Wagner’s music, the concert program includes works by Felix Mendelssohn and Johann Sebastian Bach: one a “Jewish Protestant”, the other probably an “anti-Judaist” according to his time, whose great Christian works were declared “de-Judaization” hymns during the Third Reich. An exciting mixture.


At a time when the political shift to the right is gripping the West and “cancel culture” is either talked about or denied in culture, the presumption of innocence “l’art pour l’art” is no longer sufficient.

Wagner and his anti-Semitism are frequently discussed: how can Wagner be played and heard today? The JCOM would like to make a contribution to this discussion and encourage reflection.


For Wagnerians and those who want to become Wagnerians, for Wagner sceptics in search of new perspectives, for the curious who want to help decide which side gets the provocation: a concert for everyone. And: “simply great music”?

The Jewish Chamber Orchestra Munich on the stage of the Schauspielhaus of the Münchner Kammerspiele.
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