Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Short film, reading and discussion about queer language and classism
There is a wide range of queer writing and queer literature: whether children’s books, academic texts, poetry in simple language, or prose. What opportunities and challenges do these different genres and styles of writing bring, and how do they shape the experiences of queer writers and readers? Who can access and understand them? What kinds of exclusions — such as classism – do they produce? And how do queer literature and its discourses respond to right-wing accusations of intellectualism? We can be both cool and intellectual – but what diverse ways are there to express ourselves in writing?
After the short film „SP[]CE“ by collective Entgegen der Vereinzelung, we will draw inspiration from an associative reading of queer genres, followed by a discussion. An afternoon in not-so-simple language, focusing on queer literature and class.