Fri, 31.1.
7:30 pm
Fri, 31.1.
All & TicketsDates

Gewässer im Ziplock

A summer between Berlin, Chicago and Jerusalem
Scenic reading of the award-winning novel by Dana Vowinckel

 Werkraum
 10€, reduced 5€
 Werkraum
 10€, reduced 5€

In her debut novel “Waters in Ziplock”, the author tells the story of 15-year-old Margarita and her single father Avi, who works as a cantor in Jewish congregations in Berlin. Every year, Margarita spends her summer vacation with her American grandparents; their daughter Marsha, Margarita’s mother, left her husband and child at an early age. And now Marsha suddenly invites Margarita to Israel to travel the country together …

Three Jewish generations lose and find each other in Berlin, Chicago and Jerusalem. At the center is 15-year-old Margarita, who stands between tradition and self-assertion across continents, torn between her parents, countries, cultures and languages and the search for belonging within the different worlds.

“Waters in Ziplock” is also a departure into a new phase of Shoah remembrance culture between “Flying Home” and “Leaving Home.”

Dates & Tickets
Fri 31.1. 7:30 pm
Letzte Vorstellung
Gewässer im Ziplock
  • Werkraum
  • 10€, reduced 5€