Dates & Tickets 

Photo: Franz Kimmel


Community Dance

Dance for everyone

 Werkraum
 1 hour 30 minutes
 Free of charge
 Werkraum
 1 hour 30 minutes
 Free of charge

Do you want to move to music? Dance? Get to know people?

*Community Dance is aimed at anyone who wants to dance or has always danced.
*Community Dance is aimed at young, old, older and children.
*Community Dance is aimed at people with and without disabilities.
*Community Dance is dancing and moving at your own pace, according to your own abilities, alone, in pairs or in a group.
*Community Dance is free of charge.

* Come!!! Bring friends and family! Everyone can join in! Spread the word!

Andrea Marton, Ute Schmitt and Ralf Otto and other dancers will accompany you through the 1.5 hours of dance fun. Andrea Marton, Ute Schmitt and Ralf Otto have been teaching dance for many years. They want to make the art of dance accessible to everyone. They work with contemporary dance, especially improvisation and DanceAbility©.

Dates & Tickets
Sat 29.3. 12:30 – 2 pm
Community Dance
  • Werkraum
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Free of charge