Book cover of the novel "Kommando Ajax"

Literatur:Raum: „Kommando Ajax“

Book launch and reading with Cemile Sahin and Bernardo Arias Porras, Nina Karimy, KCEO, Mervan Ürkmez

 Werkraum
 27.9.2024
 about 1 hour 15 minutes
 German
 10 €, reduced 5 €
 Werkraum
 27.9.2024
 about 1 hour 15 minutes
 German
 10 €, reduced 5 €

The first edition of the “Literatur:Raum” series starts with the new book by Cemile Sahin: “KOMMANDO AJAX” - a novel told as quickly as Tarantino’s “Kill Bill”.

A Kurdish wedding in Rotterdam. A sniper who fires a shot in the course of the evening. A group of friends between the Netherlands, Germany and Kurdistan, for whom suddenly nothing is as it was. An art heist. Weapons from the 3D printer. Prison. In the style of an action film with quick cuts, Cemile Sahin tells the story of a traitor, of revenge, love and friendship, as forcefully, politically and in tune with the times as only she can.

On this evening, the award-winning author and artist will be a guest at the Werkraum for a reading and discussion of “KOMMANDO AJAX”. Members of the Kammerspiele ensemble will read with her. The discussion will be moderated by Dîlan Z. Çapan, curator of the new “Literatur:Raum” series.

The “Literatur:Raum” series takes an in-depth look at current literary trends. Author and director Dîlan Z. Çapan invites exciting authors to talks and poetically stages new texts. Alternating between the Werkraum and the Habibi Kiosk.

On 25.9.2024 we will be showing the scenic installation of Sahin's novel "ALLE HUNDE STERBEN" in the Werkraum.
Dara Lalo stands on the dark stage, with Svetlana Belesova and Antigone Akgün sitting on chairs behind him. The words "All dogs really must die" are written in red in the background.
Alle Hunde sterben
A high-rise building in western Turkey, many doors, nine stories. • By Cemile Sahin • In a scenic arrangement by Dîlan Z. Çapan