Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
by Gregor Schneider
Digital sculpture in public space
The internationally renowned artist Gregor Schneider works on existential questions about the presence and absence of people in space, about the intangible. His art brings to consciousness what remains hidden because it can no longer be communicated. This also includes the question of how to deal with dying and death. “Ars Moriendi” is a new work by the artist that focuses on the sick and dying in our society.
Schneider has high-resolution three-dimensional scans made of people who are actively dealing with the imminent end of their lives. Digital images will be placed in public spaces in Munich for several years. They are invisible, but can be viewed using an app on a smartphone. A personal message from the person in question can be heard over the phone’s loudspeaker. Is the person whose image we see here still alive? Are we hearing a legacy? Schneider’s project can be seen as a suggestion to not accept the farewell to life as a mere experience of powerlessness, but to shape it personally. Beyond death.
If you are interested in becoming part of Gregor Schneider’s work yourself, please contact us.
The “Ars Moriendi” app will soon be available as a free download from the Appstore or Google Play Store.