Photo: Matthias Horn


Mia san Mia

A Bavarian Space Odyssey by Marco Layera and Martín Valdés-Stauber

 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Premiere: 19.9.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 German and English with surtitles
 Thu-Sat: 15-45€, Sun-Wed: 10-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€
 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Premiere: 19.9.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 German and English with surtitles
 Thu-Sat: 15-45€, Sun-Wed: 10-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€

Science fiction meets homeland idyll - and we are squeezed right in the middle: rooted in Bavaria, at home in the universe.

The last-ever Bavarian settlement is located on an inhospitable wandering planet. Decades ago, a few brave souls left our world so they could continue pursuing their customary way of life. The settlement now survives on tourism: daredevils who undertake the long journey from Earth to immerse themselves in traditional, almost lost cultural expressions on an alien planet. But all too quickly, the adventure turns into a horror trip.

The Chilean director Marco Layera has been in a continuous working relationship with the Münchner Kammerspiele, with the joint production “Oasis de la impunidad” being recognised as part of the New York Times World Selection in 2022. Now, Layera is collaborating with a European theatre ensemble for the first time in the opening play of the new Kammerspiele season.

“Although I live on the other side of the world, the expression “Mia san Mia” (“we are who we are”) feels familiar to me and reminds me of statements I grew up hearing in my own country. It unmasks itself as an identity narrative designed to incite pride in ourselves and to prevent us from seeing who we truly are.”

– Marco Layera, director

  • Assistant director Constanze Nogueira Negwer
  • Stage design assistance Antonio Dordevic
  • Stage Design Assistant Nikolai Kuchin
  • Costume assistance Rosanna König
  • Dramaturgy assistance Paulina Wawerla
  • Inspection Stefanie Rendtorff
  • Soufflage Sandra Petermann
  • Theater pedagogy Filo Krause, Scherief Ukkeh
  • Artistic production management Zora Luhnau
  • Technical production management Adrian Bette
  • Stage Master Marcel Homack
  • Stage Machinery Thomas Grill, Michael Preusser
  • Lighting Franziska Erbe, Felix Adams, Louis Nickel, Daniel Prütz
  • Sounddesign Paolo Mariangeli, Ulrich Treutwein
  • Make-Up Marisa Schleimer, Sofie Reindl-Grüger, Thomas Opatz
  • Costume Design  Arite Pissang, Nico Vanni
  • Props Stefan Leeb, Dagmar Nachtmann
  • Carpentry Sebastian Nebe, Ellen Bosse, Franz Wallner, Josef Piechatzek
  • Metalworker Fritz Würzhuber, Jürgen Goudenhooft, Andreas Bacher
  • Decoration Maria Hörger, Anja Gebauer, Tim Hagemeyer, Tobias Herzog
  • Scenic Painting Evi Eschenbach, Ingrid Weindl, Salvatore van den Busken, Frederic Sontag
  • Stage Sculpture Maximilian Biek
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MK: Backstage

Digitale Einführung
Digitale Einführung
Two people in traditional Bavarian costume. One person is wearing a yellow bodysuit underneath. The costume is made of plastic.

Read more about the production here and find out what is behind the motto “Mia san Mia”!

Press reviews

“The seven-member ensemble shines in Carolina de la Maza’s martial choreography with synchronized movements, even the dialogues remain in a choppy beat.”

nachtkritik • 20.9.24

“‘Mia san Mia’, the Bavarian Lord’s Prayer, is just the name here, or rather, it’s clear from the very first second: the provocation.”

Süddeutsche Zeitung • 20.9.24

“The way Layera and Valdés-Stauber combine curious Bavarianism and Colonia madness to create a nightmare farce is crass and abysmal.” • 21.9.24