Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
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from Alevi poems, Hamburg hip-hop and Middle Eastern tradition
Tayfun Guttstadt is a traveler between musical worlds. These naturally flow into his own sound. The singer, multi-instrumentalist and producer mixes hip-hop and trap with multilingual sounds and poems from the Middle East. It almost sounds as if he is making music about music. Because even when making music, he remains one of the most exciting music researchers of our time. His music is about the classification of sounds in the polyphony of music history. In his workshops and lectures, Tayfun invites you to delve deeper into the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of the Middle East.
Alevi poems, Jewish hymns, Kurdish folk songs, the Ottoman court and Armenian composers buzz through the room as familiar sounds appear in a new guise. Something almost forgotten comes to light when centuries-old poetry meets drum computers.
Tayfun will be playing a double role at the Habibi Kiosk: on the one hand, he will be playing a lot of music live. But he will also be chatting with host Booty Carrell / Sebastian Reier about music & culture. And by that they both mean nothing less than God and the world, various Middle Eastern traditions - and records! This musical treasure hunt will last several hours. But as it has neither a beginning nor an end, you can join in and leave at any time.