Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Cosmic tearjerkers at the Habibi Kiosk
Rita… The cosmic crooner. The stardust shanteuse. She invites us to creative spelling. Because what’s spelling when we can watch the spirits ride into the sky to her music.
Rita Braga is an outsider with style and a ukulele. This self-taught, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and scholar of esoteric magic explores music in all its human beauty – from the Balkans to the Bosphorus and into the depths of outer space. Her dubious purring is accompanied by the hum of a spaceship engine and a tremolo laser beam. Her music seems both strange and futuristic, yet always warmly familiar. Because a little Rita lies dormant in all of us, just waiting to emerge. That’s the way it is with real stars. Rita Braga will transform the Maximilianstrasse into the hippest space bar since Star Wars! If Vegas had any class left, she would be booked solid at The Sands into the next century. Fortunately, The Sands has long since been demolished. So the Portugese has time for the Habibi Kiosk, where she gets us in the mood for the premiere of “Doping” (from 20:00 in the Schauspielhaus).
HERE is the link to Rita Braga’s website!
Photo: Fernando Martins
Photo: Fernando Martins
Photo: Fernando Martins
Photo: Fernando Martins
Photo: Fernando Martins