Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
Intimacy Quarterly Playground is an experimental workshop format and jam session. It is about text and experimental music.
Together with the musicians Steffi Müller aka Rag*Treasure and Klaus Erika Dietl, as well as the author and dramaturge Theresa Seraphin, we will experiment with self-written texts, voice, music machines, sounds and noises. We will start together as a large group. We will concentrate on the space we are in and practise listening: What sounds, what fragments of text can we pick up?
Then one group begins to experiment with sounds and noises with the two artists Steffi Müller and Klaus Erika Dietl. Materials such as rubber hoses, egg slicers and textiles are turned into sound machines. The focus here is on the “détail qui tue”: the small, decisive noise. It stands for itself. Sometimes it sounds very fine, sometimes it scratches, like when someone accidentally bumps the pickup while listening to a record.
At the same time, another group is playing with words and sentences with Theresa Seraphin and writing texts that she wants to combine with music later. We start with the written word and play with the performative power that emanates from it.
In a subsequent jam session, we will combine texts and sound - out on a funride to a place unknown!
* no previous experience necessary
* limited equipment is available on site, but you are welcome to bring your own equipment/instrument.
Illustration: John Haag
Theresa Seraphin
Photo: Priscilla Grubo
Steffi Müller and Klaus Erika Dietl
Photo: Toby Binder